Recently, the Biden administration has been taking a look at marijuana. Recreational marijuana is already legal in many states in the U.S., but there are a number of states where it is not. Many people are opposed to the Biden administration’s decision, citing the health risks of regular marijuana use as the primary reason.
Could marijuana legalisation hurt Mexican cartels?
Marijuana causes problems such as strokes and heart attacks, and adversely affects memory and the development of the fetal brain in pregnant women. Supporters of the Biden administration’s opinion say that legalizing marijuana would hurt the Mexican cartels by cutting off the marijuana that is currently coming in illegally from Mexico, and that the government would gain a significant amount of tax revenue by controlling the market. However, this is incorrect, and the cartels would not be hurt by the change.
Mexican cartels take over illegal marijuana markets
Mexican cartels are already undermining the legal marijuana market that exists in the U.S. by growing illegal marijuana. In addition, marijuana sales are largely a cash transaction, and legalization would allow cartels to launder millions of dollars in untraceable cash, making them even harder to regulate. Cartels also use marijuana profits to support other businesses, such as human trafficking and sex trafficking.